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The Group

the guys look serious
guys in a hot tub:)
guys in the acarde
I like this one:)....jordan and robo
joe and jordan
jordan,donnie,and danny
donnie,joe and danny....lookin at something
funny :)
I like it:)
guys at the swap
their not kids anymore
jordan and joe....looks like the twight zone
brothers look good in tuxs:)
i like the shades jordan:)
knight brothers
takin a break
donnie lifting jordan up
donnie and j
donnie and jordan riding the water
danny,joe....and franklinstein0_0
jordan looks funny
hangin tough

baby we believe in you:)
guys with their cartoons selves
guys with balloons
goofing off
they look cute^^
having fum
guys all sittin
guys wavin
love your shades guys^^